Monday, October 5, 2009

Kids's duit raya

Naim is in Year 4 and Sarah is in Year One in primary school. Both of my schoolkids bring their lunchpack to school everyday and were never given any pocket money as their 'duit belanja' except for some special cases like tak ada gas nak masak or nothing to masak. So the only money that they can keep for themselves and allowed to spend is their duit raya collection. Every year after raya, we will normally make a trip to Toysrus to buy whatever they want using their duit raya collection. Most of the time, the choice of toys would be a bunch of hot wheels for naim and barbie doll for sarah. The balance will go to their individual bank accounts. This year they did something different.

It started when we got back to my kampung in NS. One of my nephew, a 20 year old Asrul has a PSP and everybody (Naim, Sarah, Ina, Arfah & Ika) is taking turn playing with it everyday (..or every chance they got). Some took a longer time to finish their turn ( sebab terror sangat, tak mati mati!), some like 5 minutes only game already over ..hehe esp yang Year One tu! Naim has been like an expert already in PS2, XBox and PS3 since 4 years old, so what is PSP la right???? And of course he hold the gadget longer than everybody else...Bangun tido pulun PSP dulu sebelum makan sebab 12 yo Arfah bangun very the lambat.

On the way back home after spending 4 days raya in NS, hubby asked the kids whether they are willing to combine their duit raya to buy a PSP. And of course as expected both of them were thrilled and trying to remember and counting how much money that they will have altogether including maryam's...ewah..ewah. I told them Maryam's portion is out of reach and definitely untouchable.

As promised we went to digimall to buy the PSP on the following day. As for Maryam, we got her a fisher price musical & activity table from toysrus.

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